
Offer: Management Drives Survey including Feedback

Offer: Management Drives Survey including Feedback

  • Comments: 0
  • Posted by: Koen Pouw

Johan Cruijff, was a great football player and had some amazing life lessons. One of my favorites: “Elk nadeel heb z’n voordeel.” It’s the Dutch equivalent of “Every cloud has a silver lining”. This also applies to the current measures taken to prevent further spreading of CoVid-19. As a result the amount of people working from home has risen exponentially. Others have their business travel cancelled.

For people that want to take advantage of openings in their schedule and work on their personal development, I recommend taking the Management Drives survey. You will be able to find out what motivates you, what your strengths and pitfalls are. It will also give you ideas how you can stay away from feeling under pressure.

If you order your survey with us before March 31st 2020, you’ll get a free 45 minutes online personal feedback session. Send me an email or use the contact form to get in touch.

Author: Koen Pouw